We would consider this canyon to be short and sweet, which in all fairness, it is. However it’s got some serious attitude for most of the year. With the first drop having a textbook example of a rooster tail, this canyon also holds a surprise on the last drop, where the adventurer can choose between 3 different water courses. The left, middle and right descents. All with their own impressive experience, one can do this canyon twice and still not have experienced the full canyon’s potential. Not that any canyon can be conquered, however, this one is definitely a fun game of mix and match. It’s also one of the few canyons that can be done in an afternoon!


Technical rating: 4C2 II (V3A2II**)

Time needed: 3 - 5 hours.

Number of rappels: 3

Number of downclimbs: 0

Longest rappel: 100 feet due to slab

Distance round trip: 3 Miles

Elevation gain/loss: 730 feet

Significant hydraulics: Rooster tail, and rappel 2 COULD become a strainer. Use caution.

Special recommendations: Bear spray, and look pretty, lots of people.

Season: July - October

Getting there:

From Livingston Montana:

Drive South down highway 89 South towards Emigrant Montana for 11.9 Miles, until you reach Pine Creek Road.

Take a left turn off the highway at Pine Creek Road and follow the part dirt, part paved road until you reach the intersection of East River Road.

Once at the intersection, take a right turn onto East River Road and follow approximately a quarter mile until you see Luccock Road on your left.

Take a left turn onto Luccock Road and follow the paved road 3.1 miles up the ridge and into the canyon.

The road will eventually reach a cattle guard and become dirt. Continue on the road until you reach Pine Creek Campground.

Once in the Pine Creek Campground, drive straight through until you reach the Pine Creek trailhead.

Drink some water, eat a snack and make sure you have bear spry. The approach now begins on foot.

The approach:

From the Pine Creek Falls trailhead, hike approximately 1 mile up the trail. Enjoy the nature. Eventually you will cross Pine Creek, this is a gauge for how much flow to expect in the canyon.

If there is a lot of flow. Don’t worry, the canyon you are about to do only accounts for about a 3rd of the water seen.

Although if you see 50+ CFS maybe consider doing a different hobby for the day.

Eventually the trail will come across the right route of Mystique canyon. Keep in mind the last rappel in Mystique is known as Pinecreek falls to the hikers and topo maps. Few people know of the action that lays above the lowest falls.

Gauge the flow here and enjoy the view. This is the RIGHT route of the Mystique canyon, when you cross the wooden bridge. You will find an additional drainage with a slotted waterfall. This is the LEFT route of Mystique canyon. When you descend the canyon, the canyon splits at the last rappel and you can choose which fall line to follow. (The beta on these routes is in the canyon section of this page). Keep in mind the right route usually contains about 2/3s of the flow. The left route holds the other 1/3rd. This makes the left route more palatable in higher flows. Decide which route looks the best for you and your party. You’ll have to choose shortly.

From the left route, continue up the trail. Unfortunately, my GPS tracks follow the rim of the canyon so I could spot for hydraulics. Please do NOT use the route that follows on the rim of the canyon. Please use the trail. The trail will get you to the same place. Do your part in preventing erosion.

After a handful of switch backs. Congratulations. You will find a very large barren bench that rolls off into the canyon on your left. This is where the fun begins.

The fun part:

Yay, you get to use your risk management skills! If the water flow is at a safe and manageable flow, you can descend the first rappel in the water course. If not, its time to get creative.

The canyon starts right off with the action, once you’re on the bench watching the creek fall into the semi-slot below, its time to gear up.

Rappel 1 (70 - 100 feet): If the waterflow is manageable: Look at the creek, cross it from above the falls, please keep a safe distance between the drop and where you cross. You should now be DCL (down canyon left). Here there is a strong tree, DCL, right before the water plunges off the drop. You may rig this tree with a retrievable anchor such as a 2-ring retrievable anchor. Or anything else that you feel is a safe choice. Just make sure to not leave anything behind, hikers cross this bench often, and we do not want to give them any silly ideas. Especially the rock climbers in the area. Keep in mind this option does force you into a concentrated rooster tail, which even at lower flows has the ability to take your feet out from under you. So please be careful.

If the waterflow is not manageable: Look at the creek, DCR of the falls, approximately 30-40 feet back is some small protruding rocks. You may rig a retrievable anchor of your choice. We recommend not using a 2-ring retrievable anchor, since the rock will likely catch the webbing on the pull. Use a different form of retrievable anchor, such as a knot or fiddle. Notably you will rappel DCR, so with a good toss, you can keep your pull cord out of the water flow. Making this drop capable of releasable rigging that one would typically not use for class C applications.

After rappel 1, enjoy the canyon’s mist-ique. Ha, I think I am funny. Anyways, this next section should be handled with great care. You are already at rappel 2!

Rappel 2 (40 - 50 feet slab): This rappel can be done in two ways, I will suggest the direct path, while giving the DCR option as an alterative if there appears to be a strainer. This rappel looks like a down climb. It is not, do not attempt to downclimb. It will drop you into a chest deep pool.

Direct: Look DCL, there is a large pile of logs, choose the most sturdy, most of them move. Some do not. You may choose your choice of anchor building, however, bolts here would be appreciated (we can only do so much). If you choose to double strand, keep in mind right below you, you will see a fallen log. As of fall of 2023. This log poses little risk to the canyoneer and is not a strainer. However, that may change come spring time of next year. Use caution. If you suspect a strainer please use the DCR option, or the emergency exit DCL.

DCR option (please only use this as an alternative option, the plant life is very delicate and will die quickly if used): Look DCR and you will see a tree right next to the previous falls. Rig onto this tree, and walk across the vegetated ledge, into a rappel. This will drop you right after the logs start. Please be mindful of the plants.

Wade out of the pool and pull your rope. Its time to make a decision!

The third and final rappel begins only a couple feet after the second rappel. You have 3 options, Left, Middle and Right. Unless you are descending this canyon in high flow. The middle option will have no flow. The left will contain about 30% of the flow and the right option contains about 70% of the flow. All are great options, but left is our favorite.

You will see a tree dead center, to the left is options left and middle, to the right is well… the right option…

Rappel 3, left option (100 feet): After rappel 2, look DCL, and follow the water path, until you see it fall away into a slot. DCR you will see a tree, this tree is used for both the left and middle rappel options. Rig onto the existing webbing, throw your rope into the slotted water course and rappel down. Have the last person throw the pull cord DCR of the tree, not in the immediate water course but into the slot. The rappel itself is not 100 feet, its just really slabby and will take about 100 feet.

Middle option (100 feet): After rappel 2, look DCL, and follow the water path, until you see it fall away into a slot. DCR you will see a tree, this tree is used for both the left and middle rappel options. Rig onto the existing webbing and throw the rope down the smooth slabby drop out of the water course. You will get wet again at the bottom. This rappel is also an over hang, so be careful.

Right option (80 feet): If you are choosing this option, please bolt the rocks DCR, if not you will need to get creative to rig your anchor. That center tree is an option, but one will find that they have to fight the water path. This option is also a fight to stay on your feet, so please be careful and think about rigging releasable. Especially in high flow.

Congrats! You just did Pine Creek’s Mystique section!

The exit:

Exit the path you came in on. Its right below the last rappel. Once you hit the trail take a right back to the car.

If this does not look familiar, I have no clue what you’ve done, best of luck.

Mystique Creek resources

What is a canyon sheet?

Rappel 3 (Right Option)

Rappel 3 (left and middle Option)

Rappel 1

Rappel 1 (from above)

Rappel 2 (from above)

Rappel 2 (DCL Option)

Rappel 2

Rappel 3, options left, middle and right

Rappel 3, Option right

Rappel 3, Option left

Rappel 3, Option left

Something Changed?

Let us know asap, so we can update the beta here.