Baringly Legal Canyon

Baringly Legal Canyon (Baring Creek, aka Sunrift gorge) is a tight slot canyon that is conveniently right on going to the sun road. Additionally, we have spotted the canyon! We have also made a canyon Topo for it. This canyon may prove beneficial with some spotting and bolts. Maybe even a fixed rope for an emergency exit. There is a serious possibility for strainers in this canyon.


Longest Rappel: 60 feet (Bring a 100)

Ropes: 1x100, 1x150 and a fixed 200’ from rim.

Drills: 2 drills, 3 batteries

Hardware: 10 bolts, 1 redirect

Minimum amount of drops (eye spot): 6

CFS: 5 - 10

Approach: 400 feet (on foot)

Exit: 20 feet